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Student Voice

Our college places a strong emphasis on student voice and agency. Our students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning, and are encouraged to participate in improving our school environment. 


Our Student Representative Council is comprised of student leaders who have an increased responsibility in helping others and modeling our school values of Respect, Effort, and Responsibility. 


Over the years, our SRC have played key roles in the organisation of various events around the school, such as Spirit Week, Harmony Week, IDAHOBIT Day and our annual Athletics Carnival. Our student leaders have also brought about significant positive changes around the school, such as reviewing our uniform policy, reviewing our school’s Strategic Plan as part of our 4-year review, and being active members on School Council.

2024 College Captains

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School Captains:

Neda Saeidzadeh, Charlie Withers

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Vice Captains:

Celina Kaur, Anannya Puri


International Students Program

​Welcome to Point Cook Senior Secondary College, where our International Student Program is designed to provide students with an enriching and supportive environment to help them succeed.


At Point Cook Senior, we prioritise the well-being and success of our students above all else. Our International Student Program is specifically designed to provide an inclusive and welcoming space for students from all over the world to thrive academically and socially.


Our experienced teachers value Respect, Effort and Responsibility and are dedicated to teaching, modeling and reinforcing positive social and academic behaviours that promote a harmonious learning environment. By integrating Student Agency into all aspects of our school's operation, students are empowered to take control of their own learning journey.

Point Cook Senior’s academic program is a comprehensive and well-designed curriculum that aims to provide high school students with a wide range of academic support services. It includes an accelerated VCE program that enables students to complete their studies in a shorter time, giving them an edge over other students.


Point Cook Senior also offers subject-based master classes, providing intensive study and support in specific subjects, aimed at enhancing the student's overall academic performance.


The EAL extensive support program is also included, catering to students who speak English as a second language, giving them the necessary skills and support required to succeed academically. The program also features academic clubs and homework support sessions, where students can engage in extracurricular activities and receive additional guidance with their homework and assesments.


Overall, the academic program at Point Cook Senior is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their academic pursuits and beyond. It offers a supportive learning environment that fosters intellectual growth, critical thinking, and academic excellence.


Our well-resourced Careers Centre is a valuable resource for all students, particularly those in our International Student Program. Our experienced Careers Counsellor is available to help students explore career options, plan their academic pathway, and prepare for the workforce. They also provide guidance on university and TAFE applications, job search techniques, and interview skills.


At Point Cook Senior we run a variety of extracurricular activities and events during the year. This Point Cook Senior Secondary College also celebrates events such as Multicultural Week, Reconciliation Week and IDAHOBIT Day, as well as events like our annual Art Exhibition, Talent Show and Science fair, Drama performances.


Students are participating in Study Camps, Student Leadership Program, a wide variety of sports activities on a day basis and can compete in regional and state sporting competitions.


Our International student coordinator supports International students and their families providing ongoing support and advice with their studies, homestay and anything they need assistance with. 

We're committed to supporting our international students in every way possible, from providing literacy and numeracy support to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.


Our school provides homestay accommodation that offers a safe, secure, and welcoming place for students to live, compliant with the Child Safe Standards. With a separate single room for personal use, three meals a day, seven days a week, including snacks, and attendance at parent/teacher evenings on behalf of parents, our homestay families provide excellent support and care for our international students.


Our International student program is vibrant and multicultural – we have students from China, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Japan, Greece, Cambodia, UK, USA. Our program consists of 30 students.

Emma Dinh.jpg

"My name is Emma and I represent the Point Cook Senior International student community. I am very blessed and thankful to all the teachers as you are a part of my success. Three years at Point Cook Senior passed very quickly as I felt truly welcomed and supported here. Fortunately for me, Point Cook Senior has become not only a place for study – I have met many friends here and have been introduced to a variety of different people from different backgrounds."


Emma Dinh graduated from Point Cook Senior in 2022. Emma is studying Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) at RMIT. 

Studying in Victoria
Victorian government schools are a destination of choice for international students. Our schools provide international students with a high-quality education, excellent English language tuition, caring welfare support services, secure homestay, and pathways to higher education. To learn more about studying and living in Victoria as an international student, see:
How to apply

Most international students must apply to the Department of Education in order to study in a Victorian government school.
To learn about the application types and to apply, see: How to apply
For more information about international students, please contact our school's International Student Coordinator (ISC): Olga Verbitckaia
Phone: 9395 9271


Point Cook Senior Secondary College has established an alumni program that engages former students to help support current students and advance the school. Our alumni program’s goals are to:


  • Establish and grow our alumni database

  • Invite alumni back to school to provide students with career or study advice

  • Invite alumni to offer work experience placements for students

  • Help alumni establish or contribute to student scholarships, as well as avenues to provide bequests or other philanthropic support.

  • Being part of an alumni community is a rewarding and fulfilling experience; alumni can advise, help and inspire current students, network and stay connected with their former school peers.


To be part of our alumni community please complete this short registration form and our Alumni coordinator will be in touch.


You can also stay in touch, or make contact, through the school's official Alumni Facebook page or our Alumni Linkedin group, or alternatively you may email us at

PCSSC Alumni

PCSSC Alumni


School Council


The Point Cook Senior School Council meets monthly to provide a forum for discussion, where parents, families and the wider community are able to inform and support the decisions made by our school Principal and teachers, for the good of the school and students.


We are very lucky to have a generous and supportive parent community and value their contributions.

Parents Association

The role of the Point Cook Senior Parents’ Association is to support the education of our students through regular meetings between parents, staff, and wider community members. The Parents’ Association is an integral part of the school; fostering a strong and supportive community spirit.


Through regular meetings, the Parents’ Association engages families and improves communication channels between parents and staff. There are multiple opportunities for parents to help contribute to the school, and the educational experience of their children. The Association aims to provide parents with a voice in the school in order to gain parent ideas and opinions.


Activities include: managing and assisting school fundraising opportunities; providing an opportunity for parents to connect, make friends and learn more about the events at PCSSC; supporting new families to the school and wider community; organising and managing various school stalls including fundraising stalls for events such as Harmony Week; the establishment of a second-hand book and uniform store/online group; assist students with learning opportunities, such as through work placements, or volunteering in extra-curricular activities; looking for ways to improve the family and school partnership by meeting regularly with the school Principal, Community Engagement Leader and other leading staff members; offering unique talents; and, promoting community spirit within the school.


Point Cook Senior Secondary College acknowledges the Bunurong people, the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we learn and work, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.


Cnr Boardwalk Boulevard & Bergamot Drive
Point Cook VIC 3030

PO Box 6520, Point Cook VIC 3030

Tel: 03 9395 9271


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Point Cook Senior Secondary College is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see:

© 2023 Site design and photography by School Presence

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