PCSSC Enrolment
2025 Enrolment Inquiries
To express your intention for enrolment at Point Cook Senior Secondary College, please fill out the enrolment enquiry via the button below. Once you have submitted this information, a staff member will be in contact with you within 10 working days.
Please note that this page is for expressions of interest only. Completing this form does not guarantee your child enrolment at Point Cook Senior Secondary College.
Prior to filling in an enrolment inquiry, we ask that you check findmyschool.vic.gov.au to ensure that you are living within our school zone. Please note that applications from outside of our school zone will not be accepted.
Enrolment at Point Cook Senior Secondary College is subject to a range of factors:
Residential address;
Satisfactory completion of previous year;
Capacity of the college to meet the learner's needs.
Please see attached file below:
Collection Notice Enrolment Mandatory Form
For information regarding International Student Enrolments, please click here, or head to our International Students Program under "Our Community".
2026 Enrolments
Our school is currently not accepting enrolments for the 2026 academic year. Parents are advised to keep an eye on their child's current Year 9 school for enrolment information in eary Term 2.
​​​Required Documentation
Enrolment document 2025
Year 10 Course Selection Form​​​
Proof of child's birth (Birth certificate or Passport)
Copy of child's Visa (if applicable)
Proof of residential address (meeting the 100 points of ID requirements)
Copy of child's most recent school report

ACE Program
ACE (Accelerated Program for Extension) is a select entry program exclusive to PCSSC. The program aims to accelerate the education of our high achieving students to allow them to achieve a high ATAR and study scores, as well as diversifying their curriculum through studying a greater variety of subjects.
Through the ACE program, students will study 2 VCE subjects in Year 10, which they continue as Year 12 subjects in Year 11. They will learn how to study effectively by implementing note-taking strategies that they utilise in their studies. They also learn how to work collaboratively with other students in order to solve common challenges from their classes. Our ACE cohort is supported through a wide range of specific and targeted programs for academic extension, as well as wellbeing support and strengths-based careers planning.
Successful ACE applicants are required to undertake two accelerated VCE subjects of their choice.
High achieving students performing above the standard AusVELS level are encouraged to apply. Selection is based on a written application, interview, and test.
For more information, including application details, please see our prospectus here.

PCSSC Uniform
Point Cook Senior’s school uniform design and policies were created with the input of our students and community. The compulsory aspects of the uniform are:
1. Any enclosed black appropriate school shoe.
2. Socks must be plain white or navy blue and must cover the ankle bone. During Terms Two and Three students have the option of wearing navy blue or black tights.
3. Ties are to be worn at all times (except for students wearing summer dresses), except when students are directed to remove them in the case of warm weather.
4. If a hijab is worn, it must be white, maroon, black or navy blue. When a hijab is worn the student can then be excused from wearing a college tie. A long skirt in the uniform colours is available but must be ordered, no other colour should be worn.
Due to the requirement to ensure student safety from the sun a hat is recommended to be worn at any time that students are exposed to the sun.
All levels of the college community have been consulted in the selection of uniform and it will be checked on a daily basis. Students who fail to meet the uniform requirements will face a range of sanctions included in the Uniform Code which may include being asked to return home to change.
Our school uniform can be found at Noone in Hoppers Crossing, the list of our uniform items as well as prices can be found here.
Second hand uniform donations are always appreciated. If you are seeking to donate items to the school, we ask that you drop the cleaned uniform off at our front office.
Any family facing financial difficulty in supplying the uniform should contact the college directly so that support, if available, can be provided.